CDC lowered the pneumococcal vaccination recommendation to include healthy adults as young as 50
Life in your 50s can be busy—and you want to be ready for all of it. That means staying proactive about your health. Like getting vaccinated for pneumococcal pneumonia and invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD).
Getting pneumococcal pneumonia or invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) can be serious enough to put you in the hospital. When you know more, you can do more to help protect yourself.
Sherri Shepherd & Joe Montana
You’re at higher risk if you’re...
50 or older
even if you’re healthy.
19 or older
with certain chronic conditions.
VO: Hall of fame quarterback, Joe Montana, has been taking his shot at some new things.
JOE: But I'm ready for more.
VO: Joe asked America what he should take his shot at next and now he's ready to do it.
SHERRI: Only this time, he's not doing it alone.
VO: He's being joined by actress, author, and award-winning broadcaster Sherri Shepherd. Joe and Sherri are taking their shot at some new things.
SHERRI: And spreading the word about why it's important to understand if you're at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia and what you can do about it. Because, like anyone else 19 or older with certain underlying medical conditions…
JOE: …Like asthma, COPD or chronic heart disease…
SHERRI: …Or in my case, diabetes, I'm at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, so I got my shot.
JOE: Just like I did.
VO: Because being 65 or older puts Joe at increased risk, too. Joe and Sherri got vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia because they know that it's a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt life for weeks and can even put you in the hospital or be life-threatening.
JOE: You know what's a recipe for success?
SHERRI: Getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia.
JOE: You know what's great about nature photography? Unlike football, the season never ends.
SHERRI: You know what else you can do all year round? Get vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia. Look!
VO: If you're already vaccinated, you're ahead of the game, but your healthcare provider may still recommend another pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine for additional protection. So even if you've been vaccinated in the past, now is a good time to make sure you're up to date with your pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination.
JOE: The key to victory: strong defense.
SHERRI: You mean like that? Get your shot.
JOE: And then take your shot.
VO: Go to for more information on why the CDC recommends pneumococcal vaccination and who should get it.
JOE: Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination and understand your risk at
SHERRI: Oh, wow, let me see your camera! How cute is that?
Joe got his shot, now it’s Sherri’s turn
There’s no off-season for pneumococcal pneumonia. That’s why Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana and award-winning broadcaster Sherri Shepherd prioritize a strong defense. Watch them take action.